What is the Difference Between Shallow and Deep Copy in JavaScript?

When working with objects and arrays in JavaScript, it’s essential to understand the difference between shallow and deep copy. Knowing how to correctly copy objects can prevent unexpected behaviors and bugs in your code. This article will dive into the details of shallow copy JavaScript and deep copy JavaScript, providing practical examples and explanations to clarify these concepts. We’ll also compare shallow copy vs deep copy, helping you choose the right approach when handling JavaScript object copy.

Understanding Shallow and Deep Copy

In JavaScript, objects and arrays are reference types, meaning they are not stored directly in variables but are referenced. When you copy a variable that holds an object or array, you don’t copy the actual data but the reference to that data. This is where the concept of shallow and deep copy comes into play.

A shallow copy JavaScript refers to copying only the top-level properties of an object. It means that the primitive values (like strings, numbers, booleans) are copied, but if an object contains other objects or arrays, only the reference to those nested objects is copied. In contrast, a deep copy JavaScript copies everything, including nested objects and arrays, ensuring that the copied object is entirely independent of the original.

Shallow Copy JavaScript:

In a shallow copy JavaScript, the copied object shares the same references as the original object for any nested structures. This can lead to issues where changes in the copied object reflect in the original object, especially when dealing with nested arrays or objects.

For example, consider the following code using a shallow copy:

const originalObject = { name: “John”, address: { city: “New York”, zip: 10001 } };
const shallowCopy = Object.assign({}, originalObject);

shallowCopy.address.city = “Los Angeles”;
console.log(originalObject.address.city); // Output: Los Angeles
In this shallow copy JavaScript example, changing the city in the shallowCopy also updates the originalObject because the address property holds a reference to an object, not a direct value.

The most common methods to create a shallow copy JavaScript are:

The spread operator (…)
Both methods create a new object but only perform a shallow copy, copying references for nested objects instead of the actual values.

Deep Copy JavaScript:

A deep copy JavaScript ensures that all levels of the object, including nested objects and arrays, are fully duplicated. When you make changes to the deep copy, those changes will not affect the original object since the deep copy is a completely separate entity.

Here’s an example of a deep copy JavaScript:

const originalObject = { name: “John”, address: { city: “New York”, zip: 10001 } };
const deepCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalObject));

deepCopy.address.city = “Los Angeles”;
console.log(originalObject.address.city); // Output: New York
In this case, the deepCopy is entirely separate from the originalObject. Changing the address.city in deepCopy does not affect the original, as the deep copy contains new instances of all objects.

There are several ways to create a deep copy JavaScript, including:

This method converts an object to a string and then parses it back into a new object. It is simple but has limitations, as it doesn’t work well with functions, undefined values, or circular references.
Using external libraries like Lodash’s _.cloneDeep(), which is a more robust solution for complex data structures.

Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy

When comparing shallow copy vs deep copy, it’s important to understand the trade-offs. The shallow copy is faster and requires fewer resources because it doesn’t fully duplicate nested objects. However, this can lead to side effects when the nested objects are modified, as both the original and the copied objects reference the same data.

On the other hand, a deep copy ensures full independence between the original and the copied object, preventing unintended changes. However, creating a deep copy JavaScript can be slower and use more memory, especially when dealing with large or complex objects.

Performance Considerations: Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy

When deciding between shallow copy vs deep copy, performance is a key factor. A shallow copy JavaScript is generally more efficient since it only copies references to nested objects, while a deep copy JavaScript must recursively clone each nested object, which can be computationally expensive.

In most cases, a shallow copy is sufficient when working with simple objects or when you don’t need to modify nested objects. However, if you need to create a truly independent copy of an object, especially when dealing with complex data structures, a deep copy is necessary to avoid potential bugs.

JavaScript Object Copy:

When performing a JavaScript object copy, it’s essential to know when to use a shallow copy. Here are a few best practices:

Use a shallow copy when the object contains only primitive values or when you don’t plan to modify nested objects. You can use Object.assign() or the spread operator for simple, non-nested structures.

Use a deep copy for complex objects, especially when you need to modify nested properties without affecting the original object. Consider using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) or a library like Lodash for a reliable deep copy solution.

Understand your data structure before deciding between shallow copy vs deep copy. If your object contains references to other objects or arrays, a deep copy JavaScript may be necessary to avoid unintended side effects.

Beware of performance trade-offs when opting for a deep copy. While it ensures complete independence, it can introduce overhead, especially with large objects or frequent copying operations.

Common Pitfalls of Shallow and Deep Copy

Understanding shallow and deep copy is crucial for avoiding common pitfalls in JavaScript programming. Here are some common mistakes:

Using shallow copy for nested objects: Developers sometimes use shallow copy JavaScript methods like Object.assign() without realizing that it only copies top-level properties. This can lead to unexpected results when working with nested objects or arrays.

Incorrect deep copy techniques: Relying on JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) for deep copying can fail when the object contains functions, undefined values, or circular references. In such cases, it’s better to use a library like Lodash for a robust deep copy JavaScript solution.


Understanding the difference between shallow and deep copy is essential for effective JavaScript programming. A shallow copy JavaScript only copies references to nested objects, which can lead to unintended consequences if those objects are modified. In contrast, a deep copy JavaScript duplicates everything, ensuring the copied object is entirely independent of the original.

When comparing shallow copy vs deep copy, the right choice depends on the complexity of your object and whether you need to modify nested data structures. While a shallow copy is faster and suitable for simple use cases, a deep copy offers full independence but with a performance cost. Always consider the structure of your object and the intended use before deciding on the appropriate JavaScript object copy method.

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