What is the conditional operator in JavaScript with example?

In JavaScript, the conditional operator, also known as the JavaScript Ternary Operator, is a powerful tool for writing concise conditional expressions. This operator serves as a shorthand for the traditional if-else statement, allowing developers to evaluate conditions and return values based on the result of those conditions. By leveraging the JavaScript conditional operator, you can streamline your code and make it more readable.

What is the JavaScript conditional operator?

The JavaScript conditional operator is a ternary operator, meaning it operates on three operands. The syntax is straightforward:


condition?  expressionIfTrue: expressionIfFalse;
In this structure, the JavaScript conditional operator evaluates the condition. If the condition is true, the operator returns the expressionIfTrue value. If the condition is false, it returns the value of expressionIfFalse. This is particularly useful for assigning values or executing small pieces of code based on a condition without writing a full if-else statement.

Example of JavaScript Ternary Operator

JavaScript conditional operator

Let’s explore a basic example using the JavaScript ternary operator:

let age = 18;
Let canVote = (age >= 18)? “Yes, you can vote.” “No, you cannot vote yet.”
In this example, the JavaScript ternary operator checks if the age is 18 or older. If the condition (age >= 18) is true, the expression “Yes, you can vote.” is returned and stored in the can vote variable. If the condition is false, “No, you cannot vote yet.” is returned. The result is then logged to the console, demonstrating the practical use of the JavaScript conditional operator.

Benefits of Using the JavaScript Ternary Operator

One of the primary advantages of using the JavaScript ternary operator is its ability to condense code. This JavaScript shorthand if-else structure helps developers write less code while achieving the same functionality as a traditional if-else statement. This not only reduces the size of your scripts but also enhances readability, especially in cases where the condition and expressions are simple.

For example:


Let result = (score > 50)? “Pass”: “Fail”;
This line replaces multiple lines of if-else logic, making the code cleaner and easier to understand.

Conditional Expressions in JavaScript

However, the JavaScript conditional operator plays a significant role in writing conditional expressions in JavaScript. These expressions allow you to perform different actions or calculations based on various conditions. The JavaScript conditional expression simplifies decision-making processes within your code.

Consider this example of conditional expressions in JavaScript:


Let x = 10;
const y = 20;
Let largerValue = (x > y). x: y;
Here, the JavaScript conditional operator is used to compare two variables, x and y. If x is greater than y, the variable larger Value is assigned the value of x. Otherwise, y is assigned a larger value. However, this JavaScript conditional expression efficiently determines and assigns the larger of the two values.

Real-World Applications of JavaScript Ternary Operators

The JavaScript ternary operator is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to assign values based on conditions. For instance, it is frequently used in JSX syntax within React applications to conditionally render components or elements based on state or props.



const isLoggedIn = true;
const message = isLoggedIn? “Welcome back!” “Please log in.”
This conditional rendering is a common practice in front-end development, where the JavaScript shorthand if-else approach helps manage dynamic content more effectively.

Nested JavaScript Conditional Expressions

However, in some cases, you might need to evaluate multiple conditions. The JavaScript conditional operator can be nested to handle such situations, though it’s crucial to maintain clarity in your code.

let marks = 85;
Let grade = (marks >= 90)? “A” :
(marks >= 80)? “B” :
(marks >= 70)? “C”: “D”;
However, in this nested example, the JavaScript conditional operator checks multiple conditions to assign a grade based on marks. While this approach is concise, be mindful of readability when nesting multiple conditional expressions in JavaScript.

Best Practices for Using JavaScript Conditional Operators

Although the JavaScript ternary operator offers powerful functionality, use it judiciously. Overuse or overly complex nesting can lead to code that is difficult to read and maintain. Here are some best practices:

Simplicity: Therefore, use the JavaScript conditional operator for simple conditions and expressions.
Readability: Avoid complex nesting; however, if a condition becomes too complicated, it’s advisable to consider using a traditional if-else statement for better clarity.
Consistency: Maintain a consistent style in your codebase, ensuring that all developers on a project follow the same practices when using JavaScript shorthand if-else structures.


In conclusion, the JavaScript conditional operator is a versatile tool that allows developers to write concise and readable conditional expressions. Whether you’re evaluating a simple condition or handling more complex logic, the JavaScript ternary operator offers a streamlined alternative to the traditional if-else statement. Whenever, by understanding and applying conditional expressions in JavaScript, you can enhance your code’s efficiency and maintainability.

In summary, the JavaScript conditional operator, or JavaScript ternary operator, provides a shorthand method for implementing conditional logic. However, it simplifies conditional expressions in JavaScript by reducing the need for verbose if-else statements, making your code more elegant and efficient. Whether you are writing simple checks or handling nested conditions, the JavaScript shorthand if-else approach can be a valuable addition to your coding toolkit.

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