Dynamic system settings in Pega
Dynamic system settings in Pega are an essential feature for managing application configurations dynamically without modifying the application code. DSS values enable you to adjust various system parameters on the fly, which can be crucial for tuning performance, managing features, or enabling/disabling functionalities based on different conditions or environments.
You can set or change server-level configuration settings by using dynamic system settings data instances. Pega Dynamic system settings are stored in the PEGARULES database and are accessible to all nodes that use this shared database.
Generally, we configure on the server level the endpoint URL of services, database source information, HTT security attributes, etc. All these will be configured on web.XML, Config.XML, etc. These files can be read anywhere throughout the server.
Dynamic System Settings in pega and config.xml file settings:
Moreover, most system configuration settings in the prconfig.xml file can be stored in a Dynamic System Setting instance, the preferred method for maintaining system configuration settings.
You should change the settings in the prconfig.xml file when you only want the settings to apply to a subset of nodes.
Settings in the prconfig.xml file apply specifically to the node where the prconfig.xml file is located.
Dynamic System Settings in pega offer several advantages compared to using the prconfig.xml file:
- You can modify the value of Pega Dynamic System Settings without needing to redeploy the application, whereas changes to the prconfig.xml file require redeployment of the application.
- In a multi-node system, the same dynamic system settings can be used by all the nodes that are sharing the database, making system administration easier.
DSS entries are global to all different nodes.

DSS can be created under the Sys admin category.
- Endpoint URLs of services that our application consumes will be maintained in DSS.
- Sender email account details can also be created as DSS rules.
System settings:
However, system settings rules define run-time settings that can differ based on a system’s production level and which are further resolved at run time through rule resolution. System settings use names and owning rulesets for identification.
The owning ruleset acts as a namespace and does not need to be the same as the ruleset that contains the rule.
The benefit of defining a setting by production level means, for example, that if you create an application in a development area and plan to move it to a test area and then into production.
you can provide values for this system setting for each level and then move the setting rule into each area without having to reset the rule value.
You can override a predefined system setting by saving it in a different ruleset with the same name and owning the ruleset.
At runtime, the system determines which version of the setting to apply.
Create custom settings within one of your application’s rulesets. Consider them constant for that application, with additional definitions based on production level.
Note that system settings rules do not support circumstance and time-qualified resolution features.
Dynamic System Settings in Pega (DSS) vs SS
- System Settings is a Rule instance, while DSS is a Data instance.
- SS Changes need clear cache, restart; DSS does not need clear cache or restart.
- Once deployed, you cannot modify SS. After deployment, you can directly edit DSS since it is a DATA instance.
- Create-> SysAdmin-> Dynamic System Settings.
In Dynamic System Settings in Pega (DSS), we can enter a value.
DSS is a data instance, which will have a constant value assigned.
If we want to read this value at runtime, we can use the below function.
@ get Data System Setting (Rule Set, Setting Purpose)
We cannot modify the Dynamic System Settings in Pega DSS value using property-set or any other equivalent method. To modify the DSS value, open the DSS instances and modify. Save. We can do this even in a in a production environment.
File Listener:
However, this rule monitors a folder path on a hard disk. When a file lands, the listener picks the file and submits the file to the service file rule.
Service File Rules:
When it receives the file from the listener,
- It opens the file.
- Reads the contents of file
- Parses the data on to Clipboard
- Run activity to process the data from the clipboard.
The Parse Delimited rule will handle the parsing.
Delimiter: Is any character like…
- A rule called the ‘Parse Delimited Rule’ will handle the parsing.
- After processing, the system moves the file into a folder named ‘completed.’
In conclusion, dynamic System Settings in Pega are a powerful feature for managing application configurations dynamically. However, by understanding how to set and modify DSS values, you can effectively manage application behavior, optimize performance, and maintain flexibility across different environments. Following best practices and maintaining thorough documentation will help you use DSS settings effectively, contributing to the overall success of your Pega applications.
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