How to Use Object.assign in JavaScript for Merging Objects?

When working with JavaScript objects, you may encounter scenarios where you need to merge two or more objects into one. Object.assign in javaScript provides various methods to handle object manipulation, and one of the most popular ways to merge objects is by using the Object.assign() method. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use the object assign in the JavaScript method effectively and look at alternative techniques like array destructuring js for handling arrays and objects. We’ll also demonstrate examples of how to JavaScript merges two objects using object assign js to improve your coding practices.

Understanding Object.assign in JavaScript

The Object.assign in JavaScript enables copying values and properties from one or more source objects to a target object. The syntax is straightforward:


Object.assign(target, …sources);
Target: The target object is the one that will receive the properties.
Sources: One or more source objects from which properties will be copied to the target object.
The JavaScript object assign method is particularly useful when you need to combine multiple objects into a single one without modifying the original objects. For instance, if you have two user profile objects and want to combine them into one, object assign js will make it easy.

Example of Object.assign in JavaScript

const user1 = { name: ‘Alice’, age: 25};
user2 in const = { job: ‘Engineer’, country: ‘USA’ };

const mergedUser = Object.assign({}, user1, user2);
In this example, we create a new object mergedUser by combining properties from user1 and user2. The result is a new object containing all properties:

// Output: { name: ‘Alice’, age: 25, job: ‘Engineer’, country: ‘USA’ }
As seen, object.assign in JavaScript has efficiently merged two objects without altering the originals.

Merging Multiple Objects

You can merge more than two objects as well using object assign js. The same syntax applies regardless of how many source objects are involved:

const settings = { theme: ‘dark’, layout: ‘grid’ };
const userPrefs = { fontSize:’medium’, notifications: true };
deviceSettings in const = { platform: ‘iOS’, notifications: false};

const finalSettings = Object.assign({}, settings, userPrefs, deviceSettings);
In this case, the JavaScript object assign method combines properties from all three source objects. The resulting object will look like this:

// Output: { theme: ‘dark’, layout: ‘grid’, fontSize:’medium’, notifications: false, platform: ‘iOS’ }
Notice that the notifications property from userPrefs was overwritten by the one from deviceSettings. This is an important behavior of object assignment in JavaScript: if multiple source objects contain the same property, the last one takes precedence.

JavaScript Merge Two Objects with Object.assign

To JavaScript merge two objects properly, especially in large-scale applications, you need to carefully manage properties that may overlap. Using JavaScript object assign makes this task easier. But in situations where objects have properties with identical keys, ensure you’re aware that object assign js will overwrite the properties with the values from the last object in the arguments list.

Copying with Array Destructuring JS

In addition to merging objects, you might need to work with arrays. This is where array destructuring JS comes into play. While Object.assign deals with objects, array destructuring js handles arrays efficiently, allowing you to extract elements or merge arrays without manually looping through them.

Example of Array Destructuring
const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
arr2 in const = [4, 5, 6];

const mergedArray = […arr1,…arr2];
With array destructuring js, you can quickly combine two arrays. Here’s the output:

// Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
While object assign in JavaScript helps with objects, array destructuring js is your go-to method for arrays. It’s simple, readable, and incredibly efficient.

Practical Use Cases for Object.assign

There are various real-world applications where JavaScript object assign shines:

Shallow Cloning of Objects:

The object assigned in the JavaScript method creates shallow copies of objects. This means that if the object contains references to other objects, those references will still point to the same objects. However, it’s perfect for copying objects that don’t contain nested objects.
const original = { name: ‘Alice’, details: { age: 25} };
const clone = Object.assign({}, original);

// Output: { name: ‘Alice’, details: { age: 25} }
While this works for shallow properties, note that modifying nested objects will still affect the original object because of the shallow copy behavior of object assign in JavaScript.

Merging Default Settings:

Another common use case for JavaScript object assign is when you’re merging default configuration settings with user-defined settings.
const defaultSettings = { theme: ‘light’, showNotifications: true};
userSettings in const = { theme: ‘dark’ };

const finalSettings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, userSettings);

// Output: { theme: ‘dark’, showNotifications: true}
In this example, the object assign js method combines the default settings with the user’s preferences, allowing for a flexible configuration system.

Limitations of Object.assign in JavaScript

While object assignment in JavaScript is highly useful, it has some limitations:

Shallow Copy Only:

As mentioned earlier, Object.assign performs shallow copies, so if your objects contain nested objects or arrays, those nested elements won’t be deeply cloned.

No Support for Symbol Properties:

If your objects contain properties defined with Symbol, Object.assign won’t copy them.

Not Suitable for Deep Cloning:

If you require deep cloning of objects, alternative approaches like JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) or external libraries (like Lodash’s_.cloneDeep()) are better suited.


In summary, object.assign in JavaScript is an excellent tool for merging objects and copying properties from one or more source objects to a target object. It’s simple, efficient, and widely supported. However, be cautious of its shallow copy behavior, especially when working with nested objects. Additionally, combining object assign js with techniques like array destructuring js allows for greater flexibility when working with both objects and arrays.

Using JavaScript object assign can help you streamline object manipulation tasks in your codebase. Whether you need to JavaScript merge two objects or create shallow copies, object assign js offers a straightforward solution. Don’t forget that while object assignment in JavaScript is powerful, understanding its limitations and using the right method for each task will ensure your code remains efficient and maintainable.

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