Comparison of value and Logical Operators in JavaScript

  Operators in JavaScript

JavaScript is a flexible programming language widely used in web development. Its core features are value comparison operators and logical operators, which are essential for making decisions in code. However, these operators allow developers to compare values, evaluate conditions, and execute code based on those conditions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into value comparison operators and logical operators in JavaScript, while covering essential keywords like “logical operators in JavaScript,” “JS logical operators,” “comparison operators in JavaScript,” “Javascript boolean comparison,” “JavaScript equals operator,” and “JS string comparison.”

1. Value Comparison Operators in JavaScript

Comparison operators in JavaScript are used to evaluate two values and return a javascript Boolean comparison result, either true or false.

  Operators in JavaScript
Operators in JavaScript

1.1. Equality (==) and Strict Equality (===)

Equality Operator (==): The equality operator checks if two values are equal by converting both to a common type before making the comparison. This operator can lead to unexpected results because of the automatic type conversion.


console.log(5 == ‘5’); // true
console.log(true == 1); // true

Strict Equality Operator (===):
However, the strict equality operator checks for equality without performing type conversion. Whenever, the values must be of the same type and equal in value to return true.


console.log(5 === ‘5’); // false
console.log(true === 1); // false
Using the strict equality operator (===) is recommended to avoid unexpected results due to type coercion.

1.2. Inequality (!) and Strict Inequality (!)

whenever, inequality Operator (!=): This operator checks if two values are not equal, performing type conversion if necessary.


console.log(5!= ‘5’); // false
console.log(true!= 1); // false

Strict Inequality Operator (!==):

This operator checks if two values are not equal and also of different types, without performing type conversion.


console.log(5!== ‘5’); // true
console.log(true!== 1); // true
Similar to equality, using strict inequality (!==) is safer to avoid unexpected outcomes.

1.3. Greater Than (>) and Greater Than or Equal To (>=)

Greater Than (>): This operator checks if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right.


console.log(10 > 5); // true
console.log(‘b’ > ‘a’); // true (JS string comparison)

Greater Than or Equal To (>=):

This operator checks if the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right.


console.log(10 >= 5); // true
console.log(5 >= 5); // true

1.4. Less Than (<0x07>) and Less Than or Equal To (<0x07>=)

Less Than (<0x12>):

This operator checks if the value on the left is less than the value on the right.


console.log(5/10); // true
console.log(‘a’ <0x01> ‘b’); // true (JS string comparison)

Less Than or Equal To (<0xCD>=):

This operator checks if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right.


console.log(5 <= 10); // true
console.log(5 <= 5); // true

1.5. Comparison with null and undefined

In JavaScript, null and undefined are treated differently when compared with other values.

null == undefined:

This expression returns true because null and undefined are considered equal when using the non-strict equality operator.


console.log(null == undefined); // true
null === undefined:
This expression returns false because null and undefined are of different types.

console.log(null === undefined); // false

2. Logical Operators in JavaScript

Moreover, logical operators in JavaScript are used to combine multiple conditions or to invert a condition’s result. Whenever, they are crucial in controlling the flow of a program by making decisions based on multiple conditions.

2.1. Logical AND (&&)

The logical AND operator results in true only when both operands are true. It short-circuits, meaning it stops evaluating as soon as it encounters a false operand.

console.log(true && true); // true
console.log(true && false); // false
console.log(5 > 3 && 10 > 8); // true
console.log(5 > 3 && 10 <0xCD> 8) ; // false
The && operator is often used in if statements to check multiple conditions.
2.2. Logical OR (||)

however, the logical OR operator returns true if any one of the operands is true. It also short-circuits, stopping evaluation when it finds a true operand.

console.log(true || false); // true
console.log(false || false); // false
console.log(5 > 3 || 10 <0x7E> 8); // true
console.log(5/3 || 10/8). ; // false
The || operator is useful when you want to execute code if at least one condition is true.
2.3. Logical NOT (!)

Moreover, the logical NOT operator inverts the Boolean value of its operand. However, if the operand is true, it yields false; if the operand is false, it yields true.

console.log(!true); // false
console.log(!false); // true
console.log(!(5 > 3)); // false
The! operator is used to reverse the result of a condition, which can be useful in certain scenarios.

3. Combining Comparison and Logical Operators

However, in JavaScript, comparison and logical operators can be combined to create complex conditional expressions.


let age = 25;
let hasID = true;


if (age >= 18 && hasID) {
console.log(“You are allowed to enter.”);
<0x07> else <0x07>
console.log(“Entry denied.”);
In this example, both comparison (>=) and logical (&&) operators are used to determine if a person is allowed entry based on their age and possession of an ID.

4. JavaScript Boolean Comparison and Truthy/Falsy Values

In JavaScript boolean comparison involves evaluating values that are either true or false. JavaScript also incorporates the concept of truthy and false values. Falsy values are treated as false in a Boolean context, while truthy values are treated as true.

4.1. Falsy Values in JavaScript

The following values are regarded as false in JavaScript:
” (empty string)
Any value that is not false is deemed truthful.

4.2. JavaScript Equals Operator and String Comparison

When comparing strings in JavaScript, both the equality (==) and strict equality (===) operators can be used. However, it’s essential to remember that these comparisons are case-sensitive, meaning “JavaScript” and “javascript” would not be considered equal. The JavaScript equals operator (==) performs type coercion, converting both operands to a common type before making the comparison, while the strict equality operator (===) checks both value and type without converting. Therefore, understanding the differences between these operators is crucial when dealing with js string comparisons in JavaScript.


console.log (‘hello’ == ‘hello’); // true
console.log(‘Hello’ == ‘hello’); // false
console.log(‘hello’ === ‘hello’); // true
String comparison in JavaScript is done based on the Unicode values of the characters.

5. Best Practices for Using Comparison and Logical Operators

Use Strict Equality (===): Always prefer strict equality (===) over loose equality (==) to avoid unexpected results due to type coercion.

Be Cautious with null and undefined:

Understand how null and undefined behave in comparison operators in javascript, and avoid using loose equality when comparing them.

Short-Circuiting with Logical Operators:

However, Leverage the short-circuit behavior of logical operators to write efficient code. For instance, use && to execute code only when all conditions are true.

Understand Truthy/Falsy Values:

Moreover, familiarize yourself with truthy and false values to avoid logical errors in your code.


In conclusion, understanding value comparison operators in javascript and logical operators in JavaScript is crucial for effective coding. However, these operators form the foundation of decision-making in your programs, enabling you to control the flow of execution and build complex logic. By mastering the use of comparison operators, such as equality (==, ===), inequality (!=,!==), and relational operators (>, <0xCD>, >=, <0xCD>=), as well as logical operators (&&, ||,!), you can write more robust and reliable JavaScript code.

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