Assignment Shape in PEGA: Purpose and Usage Explained

 Assignment Shape in PEGA

This topic explores the critical aspects of utilizing the Assignment Shape in Pega. The Assignment Shape is a key component in Pega’s workflow automation, facilitating the routing and assignment of tasks to the right work queues or individual operators. It ensures tasks are systematically managed, improving efficiency and accuracy in business processes. By understanding the Assignment Shape, users can optimize task allocation, streamline workflows, and enhance overall productivity within the Pega platform. This guide provides insights into configuring assignments, setting up routing rules, managing work queues, and leveraging Pega’s tools for effective workflow automation and task management.

This flow shape can be used primarily for. To call flow action in Assignment (routing) of the task to an operator.
There are two types of assignments based on routing.

1. Work list assignment

2. Work Basket Assignment.

Routing means transferring or assigning work to a single operator or work queue (work basket). Routing to a single operator means that only that particular operator can access the task. No one else can see it and work on it.

Routing to the Work Queue or Basket:

Multiple operators will have access to the basket. All of them can see the task in the basket, and only one can pick and work on it at a given time.

  • Assignment is an instance of the class Assign-Worklist or Assign-Workbasket.
  • When the system creates an assignment and routes it to a Single Operator, it creates an instance of Assign-Worklist.
  • When the system creates an assignment and routes it to the work queue (work basket), it creates an instance of Assign-Worklist.
  • When the system creates an assignment and routes it to the work queue (work basket), it creates an instance of Assign-Workbasket.
  • Developers can perform routing using the assignment shape.
Let’s understand business logic and DB related to assignments and routing:
An assignment routing will be done by the below OOTB activities.

1. to Worklist: This activity is of type “Route.” This will be executed when we route to a single operator or work list.
2.toWorkbasket: We will execute this when we route to the work queue or basket.
When we route an assignment to the work list, the system creates and saves the assignment in the OOTB table pc_ASSING_WORKLIST.

The below columns are important.

pxAssignedOperatorID: This column holds the operator ID of the operator to whom the assignment is routed. In the case of a work basket, this column holds the basket name on the work basket table.

pxRefObjectInsName:-  This column value is the pyID of the work table.

pxRefObjectinskey:-  This column value is = pzInskey of Work Table.

If we want to get the work object and assignment details, we need to join the above table.
Work table, work list, or work basket tables.

Understanding its role in the workflow and how it helps in assigning tasks. The Assignment Shape in Pega plays a pivotal role in workflow automation by effectively routing and assigning tasks to the appropriate parties. This topic provides an in-depth examination of the following aspects:

Assignment Shape in Pega:

 Assignment Shape in PEGA
 Assignment Shape in PEGA

Developers use the Assignment Shape to create tasks that a specific user or work queue needs to complete.

It is a fundamental building block in Pega’s process design, helping to manage the flow of work through different stages.

Assignment in Pega:

This section provides detailed insights on how Pega’s BPM (Business Process Management) system handles assignments. It focuses on how Pega generates and manages assignments. The section includes details on how users configure assignments, set deadlines, and ensure that the system allocates tasks based on predefined rules and criteria.

Routing in Pega:

Exploring the methods and rules for routing tasks to the right destination, ensuring efficiency and accuracy. Routing determines the path that a task takes within a process flow. This part explains how Pega routes tasks, including rule-based routing and skill-based routing. It also describes how Pega dynamically assigns tasks to the most appropriate resource.

Work Queue in Pega:

Work queues, which are essential for organizing and prioritizing tasks within the system, manage collections of assignments waiting for processing. This segment covers how users set up, manage, and prioritize work queues to ensure efficient handling of tasks. This section dives deep into best practices for maintaining and monitoring work queues, empowering you to optimize your workflows.


Uncover and fix assignment process issues Additionally, leverage Pega’s Tracer tool to effectively debug, analyze, and resolve problems within your assignment process. However, this essential tool is your go-to for debugging and performance analysis. Further, it enables you to track, identify, and improve processes effectively. Moreover, this section equips you with the skills to leverage Pega’s Tracer to track process execution, pinpoint bottlenecks, and troubleshoot assignment process issues. Learn valuable tips on capturing trace data, interpreting results, and ultimately using these insights to optimize your process performance.


In conclusion, users can better manage their workflows, ensure efficient routing and completion of tasks, and leverage Pega’s powerful tools for effective business process management by understanding these components. Boost your Pega productivity This comprehensive guide empowers developers, process architects, and business analysts to optimize task management and workflow automation. Master assignments, routing, and work queues Learn how to configure assignments, set up efficient routing rules, and manage work queues – all within this essential resource. Maximize efficiency and streamline processes within the Pega platform. This guide equips you with essential insights and practical tips to maximize Pega’s capabilities, especially when you use the assignment shape in Pega. Whether you streamline workflows or tackle issues, this guide empowers you to get the most out of Pega.

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